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Ruiou Lost Foam Mould Technology Department and Process Department Hold a Field Summary and Equipment Improvement Seminar!

05. 13, 2019

Ruiou Lost Foam Mould technology department and process department hold a field summary and equipment improvement seminar.

Recently, Ruiou Lost Foam Mould technology department and all the staff in the process department jointly held a site summary and equipment improvement seminar to summarize the on-site installation and debugging progress, existing problems and the optimization and improvement plan of the equipment in the use process.

Ruiou Lost Foam Mould Technology Department and Process Department Hold a Field Summary and Equipment Improvement Seminar!

The purpose of this seminar is to summarize the field problems and put forward the modification and optimization plan, so as to achieve the goal of improving the working stability of equipments, the reasonability of the plan, improving customers’ productivity and accelerating the installation schedule.

During the meeting, the on-site process personnel summarized and put forward suggestions for equipment optimization and improvement, and the main person in charge of equipment expressed their opinions and actively adopted the suggestions put forward by the on-site personnel. And they communicated and discussed problems on how to improve the operation stability of the production line, sand treatment cooling capacity, detailed installation, examination and repairmen. After the meeting, the technology department had an internally discussion, modified and optimized drawings, and improved the equipment.

Ruiou Lost Foam Mould Technology Department and Process Department Hold a Field Summary and Equipment Improvement Seminar!

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